
Welcome to my new Blog! It is called "Musical Tales at Hospice" because that is what I do - create a musical "tale" at our local Hospice center, called Solace, by improvising a song on my flute. I visit each patient, "tune" into their spirit and energy, and then let that spirit express itself through my flute. It is THEIR song, coming from THEIR spirit, unique to each patient. I never know what the tune will be...I just allow it to flow.

I have been offering this service for almost 2 years inspired by the passing of a neighbor who enjoyed hospice musicians at the end of his life. Through this service, I have enjoyed bringing comfort, joy, and peace to those precious souls who are close to making their transitions. The purpose of this blog is to share some of these heart warming experiences, so that families and patients can know that this "end of life" can be beautiful and peaceful, and not something to be feared.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Special Day with Native Flute

It's been awhile since I posted, but I've been steadily playing every week for these wonderful people. My sweet husband bought me a wooden Native Flute for my birthday back in March, and I've been practicing on it so I could play this at Solace. It has such a sweet, melodious sound that is soothing to the patients. Today I found that several folks really connected with the sound. One man who was an x-Marine who served in Vietnam said that "it made his day and made his life"! That blew me away. I forget sometimes just how powerful this music can be to these people. I am blessed to be able to share this gift with them. It WAS a special day.